There is a pretty good deal atm on this headset and been thinking about getting my first wireless headset for a while. Am curious about how it runs on Linux, as I’ve seen some controversy on this headset on website that shall not be named, but that was 3 years ago now. I dont expect to be running their propriety software for equalizing sound - but would like to know if the headset performs as it should out of the box and if the additional sound system works well. If anyone has any experience with this i’d be more than happy to hear about it. Other headset recommendations welcome to (wireless though) :)

    4 months ago

    I’m not trying to complain, but I have these as well and also agree for the price i paid I feel like it wasn’t worth it from the audio quality side. Don’t get me wrong, they sound good enough, but for the price I was let down. I love the battery swap, and I love being able to use Bluetooth with my phone while also in game chat and game sound all at once.

    I have had them for about 3 years now and wish I could a few more years out of them, but my kids got to them a few times and basically destroyed the clip on the left headphone so it just moves around on its own and people keep telling me my mic is in and out and choppy all the time. Not the products fault, but if I do go higher end price again I will probably pass on these and try someone else.

    With that said, I also purchased their keyboard and a mouse from them. Keyboard also feels overpriced but I’ve had it about 4 years and is solid and going strong with zero issues. The mouse is by far my favorite purchase from them. It’s the only one I felt was worth the price and is super light but feels great in your hand. I love the mesh shell and never a huge fan of lights, but it is a nice touch here. Bluetooth and 2.4g options make it perfect for any scenario, but I keep it wired if I am home due to the lower than expected battery life, which would be my only complaint. It lasts just under a week with full work hours usage.