
I don’t have any ‘smart’ items in my house (or home assistant currently) but I want to set this up but I have questions about compatibility with hardware before I purchase. They have a integration page does that mean all of those hardware devices work? Or do some work better than others? According to a person on Reddit they recommend https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/supported-devices/ I’m just curious if anything has changed in the past year. Or if anyone here has a list of recommendations. I plan to start with some lights and a thermostat.

Cheers and thanks.

  • Are compatibility issues common with ZigBee? I went down there Z-Wave path years ago, somewhat arbitrarily. I’ve never checked devices for compatibility, not encountered any that didn’t work. As of today, I have 58 z-wave devices connected to HA.

    My controller supports ZigBee, and the previous owner left some devices in the house (window sensors, mostly), and I’ve tried unsuccessfully to pair them; I haven’t yet really spent any time trying to troubleshoot, but I’ve been contemplating adding ZigBee to the mix because they’re sometimes cheaper. I really don’t want to have to struggle with compatibility, though. It’s just one more thing to have to fuss with.

    • Tzig@piaille.fr
      4 months ago

      @sxan @Schorsch I don’t know how Z-Wave works but from what I could gather if a zigbee device isn’t the simplest implementation of a device the coordinator software needs a “driver”.
      I’ve had issues with a very specific switch in the standard HA implementation (ZHA), I switched to Zigbee2MQTT and I’ve never had compatibility issues since!