There’s an uncomfortable comfort in shitposting through the coolzone again after all these years. And yeah, I do kinda want to see some kid micro-ing a few hundred drones through an air-defense network.
There’s an uncomfortable comfort in shitposting through the coolzone again after all these years. And yeah, I do kinda want to see some kid micro-ing a few hundred drones through an air-defense network.
The south has starcraft gamers and the north has artillery that flattens Seoul in less than 2 hours.
Even matchup methinks
This is in response to the coup (which has already flared out, as the president is too unpopular to even order the military properly). He accused the opposition legislature of being North Korean agents, declared martial law to try and close the parliament, and then got swamped by protests before he could get tanks and helicopters into position.
This would have been South on South violence if it hadn’t already ended
What coup? (Serious question. I don’t read the news much.)
It was the first coup by, for, and of incels.
The counter to siege tanks is lurkers, everyone knows this.
SK just needs to tech up to Defilers for Dark Swarm.
The south has more advanced artillery though, they’ve been modernizing a bunch of their old systems based off what’s been going on in Ukraine; a WWII 105mm howitzer is unlikely to survive towed to 6 miles of the target, set up, and sit there firing shells in the era of drones.
But throw that thing into the back of a truck that automatically tells the gunner where to shoot and can leave before the drones/counter-fire arrives, and you’ve at least got something that’s not just a death sentence.
Here’s a youtuber who talks about warfare and economics who went to a korean arms expo
If NK is prepared to fight WWII, but on the Korean peninsula, it’s not going to go well.
This is the same sort of thing people were saying in the early days of the Ukraine War. It turns out the West’s Wunderwaffen weren’t a magical “I win” button.
Yeah, they got damaged or ran out of ammunition and all of a sudden they’re doing trench warfare, but with drones
Ukraine (also Armenia/Azerbaijan) showed everyone that the tactics of even a decade ago don’t work on a modern battlefield.
I’ve seen some indication of South Korea responding accordingly. I know nothing of North Korea’s response to these latest changes, but I assume their practical experience and information sharing with Russia will help.
Hard disagree. What the Ukraine war has shown is that NATO tactics (and tactics attempting to emulate NATO, i.e. the initial Russian push) don’t work against opponents who are sufficiently armed and entrenched. You have to go back to literal WWII block and push tactics, but also mix in electronic warfare and drones.
NK is more than sufficiently armed, and their general strategy, which will likely be to blow the hell out of Seoul, doesn’t require them to move any of their artillery or bunkers, and still has no real counter outside of preemptive bunker busters, which SK does not have nearly enough of to destroy those emplacements. They would likely have a difficult time ever advancing on SK, but it is more than within their power to stalemate any aggression that comes towards them. The only way that doesn’t happen is if the majority of the NK military literally breaks and runs. Which could happen, but there isn’t anywhere for them to go.
lmao. you atlanticist brains are almost as predictable as all the wars you start, lose decisively, and claim victory about.
the SK “military” is a fucking fart somebody had inside a phone booth 40 years ago. it only exists to do crimes against unarmed Koreans, provoke it’s neighbors, spend money on US equipment, and hide behind the US’ 70 years of threats to do another nuclear war.
Did you mean to reply to someone else?