Pretty incredible that the only person willing and/or capable of showing to the Anglosphere the Russian perspective on this ongoing war is a reactionary sophomoric dingus with a high-school-level understanding of politics.

During the Cold War immense resources were spent by the yanks on trying to understand the Soviets, what made them tick, their perspectives on things, how they thought, etc, all in the interests of averting nuclear holocaust.

Now, there is no line of communication between the West and Russia, period. We are sleepwalking into nuclear hellfire.

I actually thought that Carlson’s interview with Putin was outstanding and historically significant. Not because I like Putin (I don’t, obviously) but because it was so refreshing to actually hear the other side of this conflict for once, and to hear an experienced and established statesman speak his mind at length (who, bonus, isn’t a dottering old octogenarian walking crypt keeper who can’t speak full coherent sentences).

All I hear from Western media and the gullible fools who actually watch and believe it is psychotic RUSSIA BAD RUSSIA BAD RUSSIA BAD!!!1 and anybody who even acknowledges that Russia is, in fact, its own country with its own security interests, is branded as spreading Russian propaganda (this has happened to me, personally, multiple times. In fact, I think that is just about the only thing that libs have on Tulsi Gabbard to accuse her of being “Putin’s Puppet” - god even typing this has me rolling my god damned eyes).

Also, during the Putin interview it was pretty funny to see how politically illiterate Tucker Carlson actually is, and what an incredibly short attention span he has. Pretty sad state of affairs when this is the only person willing to even show the perspective of the other side of the war in Ukraine.

In any event, I look forward to this interview when it comes out in the coming days.