‘red’ states are benefiting greatly from biden’s initiatives and policy. substantial amounts of funding and jobs are at stake. local reps and senators will face the heat long before donvict ever would.
Donvict. Nice. Hadn’t heard that one yet.
Trump is a lame duck President who is deeply unpopular going into the midterms. People know he’s not going to be a factor in the 2028 Presidential race or beyond because he’s too lazy to show up for other people
he’s not going to be a factor in the 2028
Man, I’d like to believe you’re right, but I don’t think you are.
Do you imagine he’s going to care about any election he’s no personally running in?
There was a Marvel comics villain who cast a magic spell to destroy the entire multiverse when he died. That’s the way Donnie would think.
He’s attempting to try to interpret the two term limit on Presidencies to mean consecutive. In other words - because he didn’t serve two terms in a row he gets a “reset” and gets a shot at two terms again.
Of course he is…
“I just want to sound like a fascist, I don’t actually want to be one”
I get it’s sarcasm and all, but they should NOT be referring to him as a Maga god king…what in the ever living hell?