The wrong ones.
The wrong ones.
A sense of invulnerability.
Just re-watched this last month. It has aged really well, still super watchable. Incidentally, one of the main soundtrack songs “Cry Little Sister” by Gerard McMann was recently covered by Ashbury Heights . IMO I like the new version more.
I don’t have a problem with tipping. I have a problem with restauranteurs taking the profits and the customer being asked for more and more tips. I can’t help people’s life situations, and I’m sure they aren’t all down on their luck any more than someone working retail. Yeah, I avoid places that expect big tips, so the servers get no tip at all instead of some tip.
Just marking the pages that she interprets to mean what she wants, and the ones that she interprets to make her feel good about doing shitty things to people.
I’ve started using SearXNG. Are these better?
Got a real NKVD going on here. A real “people’s police.”
I’m tired of this excuse. These people took the job knowing what the pay rate was, and are demanding the customer pay their salary directly rather than the employer like virtually any other conventional job does. Customers have had it, they’re being told to give employees raises along with rising food costs, even at businesses that don’t do a damn thing for the customer except maybe hand them a to-go box. 20% for that? F no. Grow a spine and demand real pay, people have had it. IDK how I can travel almost any modern place else in the world, pay for a good meal, and only have to leave the approximation of $1 or so for appreciation of the service, but in America I pay for the food and a separate charge for the employee’s “pay”.
They’re giddy with power.
I’m on PC too, and yeah…I’m not a fan of aim assist at all. M&K are just as available on consoles for this game as they are on a PC.
TIL “irruption” is a real word that can mean a sudden in increase in numbers.
I hate those advansys snipers. Damn.
DMR’s are fine. No complaints there, Aim assist doesn’t help much in that class. There’s a definite difference in people using aim assist on SMG and not. I’ve got almost 2k hours in game and it’s really, really obvious when there’s aim assist abuse vs not. Doesn’t matter which weapon. Zero bloom vs some bloom on full auto. Rapid no-miss taps with DMR, etc. You really rarely encounter this stuff in big map modes like Rush or Conquest, it’s nowhere near as obvious thanks to the greater distances, but I play a fair bit of TDM and people abusing the aim assist feature stand out like sore thumbs.
I’m good with this future.
Presidents come and presidents go. Through it all. God is still on the throne
He just pulled a “Jesus take the wheel” on us.
Sound, too, if you have anything better than just stereo.
I live outside a major metropolitan city for context in what many would view as an “expensive State.” CoL is not cheap.
That said, your second choice of “regional” is far more apropos than “anecdotal.”
Isn’t Kroger the one that got in trouble for “surge pricing”? Basically corporate whitewashing of price gouging. They also switched to e-price tags that would let them more quickly change prices.
Edit: yes those greedy f’ks did price gouge.
Oblaten are a little difficult to get in a lot of places that don’t use them regularly like the US. I’ve only ever seen them once at a specialty store and that was only for the holidays where people might make Lebkuchen.