Day 6: Guard Gallivant

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


    4 months ago


    The code
    import fs from "fs";
    enum GuardDirection {
        UP = "^",
        RIGHT = ">",
        DOWN = "v",
        LEFT = "<",
    const originalGrid: string[][] = fs.readFileSync("./06/input.txt", "utf-8")
        .map(row => row.split(""))
        .map(row => => char === "." ? "" : char));
    const gridWidth = originalGrid[0].length;
    const startingPosition = getStartPosition(originalGrid);
    const startingDirection = originalGrid[startingPosition.y][startingPosition.x] as GuardDirection;
    originalGrid[startingPosition.y][startingPosition.x] = "";
    // Part 1
    const grid = getGridCopy(originalGrid);
    doGuardMovement(grid);"Part 1: " + grid.flatMap(row => row).filter(cell => cell.startsWith("X")).length);
    // Part 2
    let part2Result = 0;
    for (let y = 0; y < originalGrid.length; y++) {
        for (let x = 0; x < originalGrid.length; x++) {
            if (!originalGrid[y][x].length && grid[y][x].startsWith("X")) {
                // Cell is empty AND was visited during part 1 => Should place an obstacle here
                const gridCopy = getGridCopy(originalGrid);
                gridCopy[y][x] = "#";
                if (!doGuardMovement(gridCopy)) { part2Result++; }
    }"Part 2: " + part2Result);
    function doGuardMovement(grid: string[][]): boolean { // Returns false if loop detected
        let [x, y, guard] = [startingPosition.x, startingPosition.y, startingDirection];
        while (y >= 0 && y < grid.length && x >= 0 && x < gridWidth) {
            // Check for loop
            if (grid[y][x].length > 3) { return false; }
            grid[y][x] += "X"; // Mark each visitation with X
            // If there is something directly in front of you, turn right 90 degrees
            if (guard === GuardDirection.UP && y > 0 && grid[y - 1][x] === "#") { guard = GuardDirection.RIGHT; }
            else if (guard === GuardDirection.RIGHT && x < gridWidth - 1 && grid[y][x + 1] === "#") { guard = GuardDirection.DOWN; }
            else if (guard === GuardDirection.DOWN && y < grid.length - 1 && grid[y + 1][x] === "#") { guard = GuardDirection.LEFT; }
            else if (guard === GuardDirection.LEFT && x > 0 && grid[y][x - 1] === "#") { guard = GuardDirection.UP; }
            // Otherwise, take a step forward
            else if (guard === GuardDirection.UP) { y--; }
            else if (guard === GuardDirection.RIGHT) { x++; }
            else if (guard === GuardDirection.DOWN) { y++; }
            else if (guard === GuardDirection.LEFT) { x--; }
            else { throw new Error("Something went wrong"); }
        return true; // Exited the grid
    function getGridCopy(grid: string[][]): string[][] {
        return => [...row]);
    function getStartPosition(grid: string[][]): {x: number, y: number} {
        for (let y = 0; y < grid.length; y++) {
            for (let x = 0; x < grid.length; x++) {
                if (Object.values(GuardDirection).some(char => grid[y][x] === char)) {
                    return {x, y};
        throw new Error("Could not find starting position");