I ffucking told y’all yesterday that Reddit was going nuts over this shit. I just saw a long comment chain in fucking /r/technology out for CEO blood
It’s really like the astroturfers have been turned off. They don’t know what message to push, or they just can’t drown out the real people this time, it’s wild and glorious
gamers are about to start rising up. todd howard is next on the chopping block. he’s gonna get what he deserves for lying to us for a decade about starfield and then releasing some bullshit.
These are my impressions after about 5 hours with it, but I don’t anticipate the quality taking a dive. I’m definitely looking forward to playing more tonight, solving archeological puzzles and spamming the classic Indy punch sound fx in every minor or major fight (insert gunshot noise)
I’m really enjoying it a lot. I heard rumblings that it was good from trusted sources and wanted to support machine games, so I prepurchased the story dlc for the early access. Fascist Puncher 2k25
They are coming out now with the ToS Hammer threatening to close subs that don’t reign in the “glorification of violence”.
Mods have been making posts about cracking down on the language being used, basically saying “sanitize y’all’s post or else Big Brother is gonna get mad”
People need to keep up the conversation. This is the time when ideas begin to take root.
I ffucking told y’all yesterday that Reddit was going nuts over this shit. I just saw a long comment chain in fucking /r/technology out for CEO blood
It’s really like the astroturfers have been turned off. They don’t know what message to push, or they just can’t drown out the real people this time, it’s wild and glorious
gamers are about to start rising up. todd howard is next on the chopping block. he’s gonna get what he deserves for lying to us for a decade about starfield and then releasing some bullshit.
20 years of skyrim remasters todd! see you in HELL!
For like 7 years I was convinced Starfield wasn’t even real and that it was a cover for progress on ES6
Indiana Jones is good af tho. I need to know how much he was involved. I hope they just slapped his name on it.
i think bethesda just put the game out, not worked on it. i’m waiting for a couple patches and then i’m gonna pirate it lol
It’s the least buggy game I’ve played in a long time. Machine games still healthy and killing it: confirmed
shit maybe i’ll go ahead and check it out then
that’s how you know bethesda didn’t actually work on it lmaooo
These are my impressions after about 5 hours with it, but I don’t anticipate the quality taking a dive. I’m definitely looking forward to playing more tonight, solving archeological puzzles and spamming the classic Indy punch sound fx in every minor or major fight
(insert gunshot noise)
oh thanks for reminding me about that… i heard it looked like it might be a winner… 112 gb tho… damn
I’m really enjoying it a lot. I heard rumblings that it was good from trusted sources and wanted to support machine games, so I prepurchased the story dlc for the early access. Fascist Puncher 2k25
They are coming out now with the ToS Hammer threatening to close subs that don’t reign in the “glorification of violence”.
Mods have been making posts about cracking down on the language being used, basically saying “sanitize y’all’s post or else Big Brother is gonna get mad”
People need to keep up the conversation. This is the time when ideas begin to take root.
Morpheus voice: They’re beginning to believe
there are no real people on reddit… and at the end of the day its still a libshithole