- jmp.chat phone number, shared between spouses as a “family number” either of us can answer at home or away from phone.
- Cell2Jack device that converts bluetooth phone call into landline phone
- Cortelco 2500 telephone
Video with sound here. Video was taken of Android phone Cheogram app, but I will instead use this setup with Raspberry Pi 4 + Waydroid/Lineage OS and Cheogram app in the coming days.
Yes, you can answer and dial out from the telephone instead of device for integrated phone apps like Cheogram. For Signal, I have to tap answer on device but can pick up telephone to continue the audio call.
Can’t a setup like this also be achieved without a Bluetooth phone and by using a VoIP service like voip.ms ?
Sure, there are other ways to go about getting more or less the same functionality. I love hearing other ideas.
jmp.chat is an open source VoIP provider. The telephone itself, a Cortelco 2500 telephone, is not bluetooth nor VoIP. I love the classic physical gong ringer. The telephone connects to the Cell2Jack adapter via a standard telephone cable (6P2C/RJ11). The Cell2Jack itself has the bluetooth. What’s cool is I can also use the telephone speaker as a one-ear “headphone” device for any and all media I play on my device if I change the setting on Cell2Jack.
Oh ok I get it now, so basically the fixed phone is used as a controller for your regular phone. That makes more sense actually, I tought when reading your post that is was some kind of phone that stays in a cabinet near by. But if its basically a bluetooth speaker/microphone that you can decide to use to pick up the phone instead of using your smartphone, then I love the idea!!
This is actually really cool! 😀
very cool! I now want to do this with my jmp.chat number haha
Is there a reason you want to use waydroid + cheogram on the rpi instead of something like dino?
I like Dino! However, the way Cell2Jack is designed to integrate with smartphone native dialer phone apps (either Android or iPhone), Dino wouldn’t be as seamless as I would like for my purposes, and the telephone ringer wouldn’t ring (again, due to Cell2Jack design). Cheogram integrates with the native phone dialer so I don’t even have to use a device screen to answer or dial out a number using either the Android or Raspberry Pi setup. The tactile experience is desirable to me so I’m attempting to go headless on the Pi too. But, maybe I’m missing some perspective here…I would love to hear other people’s take on this sort of idea!
Interesting! I’m sure there is some way to get it working natively on Linux and headless, but a cursory web search brought up nothing. I did just buy a Cell2Jack and a 1979 ITT Tel Touch phone to try this out haha.
Let me know how it goes, or if you get more creative. I wish I used the XMPP side more, but people I know use Signal or just text.
I hear ya. I’ve gone with Matrix to interface with everything else other than call/text, and it works well enough.
I use the same exact phone with a Grandstream HT802 SIP Analog Telephone Adapter. I plan to use it as my primary phone as soon as I can get regular XMPP calls on SIP.