I’d consider myself somewhere between spiritual and maybe kind of pagan, idk

Most of my practice revolves around plants and crystals (no I’m not going to sell you some alternative medicine bullshit, science and spirituality are separate and any mixture doesn’t end well) ex catholic so I burrow small aspects from that but tend to avoid it mostly. Been looking into deities lately but haven’t integrated any into my primary stuff yet.

Also been doing stuff with a tarot deck lately, that’s been fun

  • Badabinski@kbin.earth
    4 months ago

    I’m pretty staunchly atheist. My mom took me to a Unitarian Universalist church for a year or so when I was a kid, and that’s the closest I’ve ever come to church or religion. I mostly went for the hot chocolate because god damn, church hot chocolate just hits different. I grew up in a town in Utah that was 95% Mormon, which was pretty weird in retrospect. I thankfully wasn’t bullied or excluded for my lack of beliefs, but I did have to suffer through a few conversion attempts. My exmo partner likes to make fun of all the ridiculously incorrect things I’ve absorbed via cultural osmosis.

    I do try to give myself some spiritual time. That usually entails looking at the mountains here and thinking the existential thoughts I normally don’t give myself time to think about. If I need to do that while I’m feeling sad or mopey, I’ll make some herbal tea and sip it while I’m chilling. I have a really strong aversion to many other forms of spiritualism (like crystals and some forms of meditation) due to some childhood trauma. I haven’t worked on that trauma because my approach seems to work well enough for me. I only experience existential dread when I fail to take good emotional care of myself.