First, no support for Graphene OS…

Second, snitching on an American hero for thirty pieaces of silver…

“I’m snitchin’ it”™


“Would you like some snitch fries with that?”™


“Try out new McSnitch sandwich!”™

    3 months ago

    Do you honestly think 16 year old me gave 2 shits about being fired? Or that an arbys manager would give 2 shits about customers? Have you BEEN to arbys???

    Also, your logic doesn’t track. If you’re saying that McDonalds should fire this guy for snitching, that implies that McDonalds DOESN’T support snitching. That his actions were his own and do not represent the company who at that point would no longer employ him.

    Whereas I knew MY manager at that time would have been high as hell at work, and loved to watch this woman yell and scream and be a karen decades before that term existed. I directed her to take her threat DIRECTLY to the front of house to put on a show everyone can see, because I knew I had no reason to give a shit.

    And really, NO fast food worker should give a shit about the customers past a certain point. Be nice to those nice to you, but when they start bitching, they can fuck off with that.

    Back to the topic at hand, the snitching would be their own personal actions, not the company.

      3 months ago

      Do you honestly think 16 year old me gave 2 shits about being fired? Or that an arbys manager would give 2 shits about customers? Have you BEEN to arbys???


      If you’re saying that McDonalds should fire this guy for snitching

      I didn’t say that.

      And really, NO fast food worker should give a shit about the customers past a certain point. Be nice to those nice to you, but when they start bitching, they can fuck off with that.

      I agree entirely. But at the point that worker starts behaving as you described they’re going too far. It’s only warranted if the manager is being a lazy shit and not protecting the people they’re meant to be managing… and at that point should be followed up by an on the spot quit because that manager failed hard.

      Back to the topic at hand, the snitching would be their own personal actions, not the company.

      On time the company is renting they’re a representative of that company so you’re wrong in that.