May I kindly request an enby compatibilty notification (ECN)? We get confused when there are missing mrrps :( please tell us if we seem to have missed one.
One time a long time ago one of my friends told me I texted like a girl because I used :3 and other ascii emotes a lot.
And that’s how I got my first crack in my shell :3
I was always self conscious in text and careful to be as “normal” as possible. After coming out, I instinctually stared using all the exclamation marks and emotes that I always wanted to use! 🥰
Hell yeah :3
Oh yeah? >:3c
:3 meow
Mrrp :3
Woof c:
Mroooow :3
Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof :D
Nya mrrp meow :3
Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof :D boops ye snoot c:
Mrooow mrrp meooow nya mrrp meoooow :3
bops ye head
Rrow :3
Known one guy in person who uses this emoji in text, and in person he swears a lot and sounds very street smart/ gangsta or whatever you call it. He does have his kinks though.
naw 3:
Damn right, son :3