Or just
(awkward) silence
Or just
(awkward) silence
I didn’t ask how big the room was, I said I cast FIREBALL!
I mean just to be fair isn’t it illegal to have a huge protest without informing the authorities first? Also violent protests would be illegal too, right?
These assumptions are based on similar laws from other countries. But I don’t really believe Trump is talking about those protests or just planning to forbid them from getting permission to happen.
You can just link it. But there’s also something called mbin which seems to combine Lemmy and Mastodon but I don’t know much about it.
Some YouTube videos have auto-generated transcripts, maybe you can search those if it’s a YouTube video?
I mean I wouldn’t trust myself with a gun and I’m not even on antidepressants… So uh yeah probably don’t give me one but that does also apply to transphobes and pretty much everybody else, who isn’t a hunter by trade or just uses them at shooting ranges and keeps them there.
I mean the stand to pee things exist for a reason but I think this might be the wrong community for those. So uh how about the bottom of toilet seats?
No, they took him with them.
Most things you can eat quite a few of as long as it’s done within a short period of time.
Cthulu (choo-choo-lou) wants to give me cuddles!
That makes sense, I’ve written scripts with similar effects for my mouse because my finger got tired holding down the button in some videogame for a prolonged amount of time.
Is there an agooab (assigned great old one at birth) willing to try that with me? :3
You we’re alone weren’t you? Maybe a friend or two?
That if anything, I don’t really like people in that way but even with a Lovecraftian horror I’d prefer just to cuddle with it and be friends and destroy the world together (not that I’d be very helpful with the latter).
I count eight, the and the thumbs are probably obscured.
Ah I do have a German keyboard… I didn’t think that would have much of an effect. What do people do that don’t have the motor control to press shift and another key together when using a different keyboard?
While I’d probably prefer it to having to use Windows an Apple computer newer than the year 2000 wouldn’t really be something I’m interested in.
Are you an Apple user? I have that same issue with my tablet. My PC and almost all other computers I’ve used do change the numbers with caps lock.
That makes death sound far too attractive.
Yup, off you go to the cuddle cell!