Guys, Europe is a continent, based on a tectonic plate or some shit, which partially includes Russia and Turkey.
But this graph is a mess because it somehow combines aspects of both geography and political affiliation.
It contains the geographical definition of the continent, and then it stops making sense. French Guyana is included because it’s part of France. But Siberia isn’t, despite being part of Russia.
And parts of Antarctica are included, despite not being part of any country at all.
Neither should Russia and a whole other things by that measure
Or the whole of Russia and Turkey.
Guys, Europe is a continent, based on a tectonic plate or some shit, which partially includes Russia and Turkey.
But this graph is a mess because it somehow combines aspects of both geography and political affiliation.
It contains the geographical definition of the continent, and then it stops making sense. French Guyana is included because it’s part of France. But Siberia isn’t, despite being part of Russia.
And parts of Antarctica are included, despite not being part of any country at all.
Actually based on the logic used here, whole Russia should have been marked.
The Russia west of Urals is in Europe, east of Urals is Asia.
If you’re gonna include fucking parts of Antarctica because some eurocunts have claimed area there, surely the Asian side of Russia should be too