I’m an Xennial dad whose kiddo was born when I was in my mid-30s. Now at some level, I certainly identify with a lot of the stuff in this trailer, but I dunno, it also kinda feels like Gen X moving into the
thoughtless(Edit: Let’s say, “occasionally pandering” instead) “yay for people our age!” generational comedies that the Greatest Generation (Grumpy Old Men, etc.) and Boomers (Meet the Parents, etc.) loved so much.I am imagining that by the end of the movie, Bill Burr will have a reckoning that he can’t continue to rage (at least not quite so earnestly) against the changing of the world for his son’s sake, but one or more younger parents will realize there is some value in his old school tough approach. Meanwhile, we get a trailer’s worth of the no-BS old guys laying hilarious truth bombs on the overly soft young people that actual Millennials and especially Gen-Z’ers will find to be tedious stereotypes.
I agree. I’m a later born Gen Xer (mid 70s) and generally like Bill Burr; this trailer looks painfully tedious.
Late 70s here, with a brother several years older. We were an Atari house, for instance.
I like Burr in small doses, and I don’t think the overall theme of this will be particularly regressive, so I don’t want to overstate it. That said, I do think there’s gonna be a shrill, loud tone that doesn’t work for me and a lot in the first two acts for the Joe Rogan crowd to sink their teeth into.
Love Bill Burr. Hope it’s gonna be good.
That looks really good will definitely watch. I love Burr’s older standup, and I’ve been very impressed with his acting jobs too. I recently saw him in Reservation Dogs. It was a great surprise, I had no idea he was in it. He nailed that one too. I think his monologue during the truck ride in The Mandalorian was one of my favorite Burr acting scenes.
He nailed confronting the imperial officer in the mess hall - https://youtu.be/pcYzeu2Cjzw?si=lhLmz4VqaRkoIqY4
Yeah that was such a tense scene after the comic rant in the truck. I couldn’t believe he shot the smug bastard.
I didn’t watch any of the new Star Wars shows after the poorly done movies, but now I’m kinda interested in this one just for Bill Burr.
The Mandalorian has lots of cameos/small surprising roles by comedians and comic actors. It’s like a comedy Easter egg in almost every episode.
It’s John Favro getting to bring his favourite actors in
Burr had a funny response when they offered him the role because he had publicly made fun of Star Wars and the fans
2hrs of the same tired “dur… Woke is dumb!” joke over and over? Hard pass.
Also, cleaning a cut is woke now?
I grew up in the 80s, I’m just ten years younger than Bill Burr, and I can’t get on board with this sort of plot at all.
As if society passed these people by, and they’re just now discovering decades of social evolution.
These characters haven’t watched the news, used social media, or seen a movie in 20 years? Come on.
I’m hoping this trailer is deceptive to entice the right wing MAGA anti-woke retards to watch this, and then pull the rug under them to show them how toxic their beliefs are. This is 100% on track what ol’ Billy Baldface would do as a comedian.
That would be on-brand(ish) for Burr
He showed a trailer for the movie at his show last year. A subset of his fans were overly energised by these “tough dad” jokes
The same subset of fans were a bit perplexed when Burr took some shots at the idiots with massive American flags on the back of their pickup trucks
I wonder how much cognitive dissonance Burr’s fans suffer when they find out his wife is black
Not a single time did anybody say “woke” in the trailer, yet somehow you inserted it in there and built up an entire narrative to argue against. I think this is the perfect example of a straw man.
I love Bill and listen to his podcast religiously. That being said, the trailer didn’t do any favors to entice me to see this and I agree with your take. Looks kinda dumb but I’ll still give it a chance and hope for the best.
Added to the watchlist. As a new father I really resonate with this
I bet they couldn’t get away from the same tired old movie progression: 2 peaks and a happy ending. Most likely this ends with some monologue about how you can be whoever you are, even in this world.
Added to the “maybe” watchlist because I want to hear someone shout cunt in a movie. Do Aussies still do that in movies? I know they do IRL
You might enjoy all the Aussie dashcam compilations on YouTube. Lots of normal, level headed people going about their day, singing sweetly to the radio - then getting cut off by someone and it’s ‘WHATTHEFUCKCUNTAREYOUBLINDYOUSTUPIDCUNT’.
Might scratch the itch.
That did indeed scratch my itch. Cheers, mate!
No worries!
I’m 49 with a 10yo. This movie is made for me.
I’ll give it a pass. I don’t support anything Bill Burr.
I’m sorry but Bill Burr makes me laugh so hard i get tears in my eyes. Probably not a popular opinion but the man is really funny to me.
He’s one of the most popular comedians alive, why would that not be popular to say?
Just assuming some people would think he is offensive these days.