Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 21°C, max - 41°C. 80% chance of no rain

Remember to slip slop slap and keep up with your water intake today! It’s a hot one!

    2 months ago

    Pros of Yoga - flexibility, bit of strength building, balance, relaxation, core strength.

    Cons of Yoga - realizing that you’re shit at all of the above at the start.

    Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga are based on ‘positional flow’. You go from one position to another and it can be taxing.

    Start with yin or hatha, which are a bit generic and you tend to hold poses for longer.

    Any begineer yoga program will be sufficient (even the vin and ashtanga) to get an understanding of it.

    I did a fair bit over lockdowns and it was great. Really looking at getting back into it again in the new year.

    If you don’t want to try a studio, I used the Down Dog app (free trial and the subscription wasn’t that pricey). Very customisable and you can taylor your experience to suit your needs.