Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 21°C, max - 41°C. 80% chance of no rain
Remember to slip slop slap and keep up with your water intake today! It’s a hot one!
Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 21°C, max - 41°C. 80% chance of no rain
Remember to slip slop slap and keep up with your water intake today! It’s a hot one!
yikes! Sounds almost like the same person TBH. telling everyone whats in her package. Wanted to be like “Love, no one cares. get out of the damn way!”
Haha yep. Sorry for detailing, I just had forgotten that happened until I read your post lol! She was wild. I’ve seen her around since, so she’s at least local of Merri Bek Council lol