Interesting video. Doesn’t really get into the second half of their title very much but covers the problem pretty well. People in general are just more angry now. Politics, finances, health care (!!!), climate change, etc etc etc.

From a cyclist’s perspective (my own) the fix would be MUCH more protected infrastructure. That only addresses the immediate, physical issue tho - and it would 100% be seen as at the expense of other stressed road users. It does nothing to address the collective mental brokenness we seem to all be sharing.

    3 months ago

    Yeah, by the time we could come up with such infrastructure in anything resembling a pervasive manner, the money would’ve been FAR better spent addressing the source of the problem directly - and doing so would have a MUCH wider positive effect on society’s woes as a whole.

    Too bad that’s unlikely to happen with the current world-wide trend of lurching to the short-sighted right-wing end of politics.