This mirror frame was inspired by an archway in Rings of Power. I’ve always loved the Elven art and design in LOTR. I made a stencil with my scroll saw out of hardboard. But I have the wrong scroll saw blades and I’m impatient so it came out a bit rough and uneven with my hand- drawn design. I had some old oak and some new stock that I glued up together and the difference shows. I glued the stencil to the oak but as I began to router it out, the glue gave out and my router slipped, tearing into the piece. I also routered too deeply I think. Then I broke a piece off. Just one mistake after another really.
But that’s how it goes sometimes. So I’m starting over completely and this time I can learn from each mistake I made. The only thing I’m stuck on is that the hardboard (“chalkboard”) didn’t stick well enough with wood glue or CA glue… so idk what to try next. Maybe 1/4” plywood with carpet tape?
In the medieval period, there was the common idea that if something is too perfect, it must have been made by the Devil. To forestall accusations of having done a deal with the Devil, craftsmen would often deliberately introduce flaws in their design.
That’s why there are always gaps in my dovetails.
To forestall accusations of having done a deal with the Devil, craftsmen would often deliberately introduce flaws in their design.
Finally. A rock-solid excuse for why the software I write has so many bugs in it!
Finally. A rock-solid excuse for why the software I write has so many bugs in it!
Also! Given the amount of time I spend at my job dealing with buggy software (as the only nerdy computer person in the place) you are also helping to keep others employed!
Seems highly rescue-able to me! (You’re the only one who’ll know something went amiss.)
Regardless, really beautiful work.
I wish I had a bit more of your optimism.
That’s too bad, it’s a beautiful peice. Any way to rescue it?
Post the final project pic
Oh that’s alright. I’ll get it right next time For sure I’ll post it!
I think it would look perfectly fine if you remove the broken off sections and go with the shape that’s already there.
Anyway, two thumbs up!
That’s what I thought too
what about epoxy? i think the problem with wood glue is that it doesnt have anything to bond too on the hardboard. the CA glue i have never used for big items, only models so i dont know. epoxy might be your best friend here.
Impatient and rough? How human of you.
How is the new mirror going?