anyone recognize the technique here? is it a big printout carefully cut out and wheatpasted?
That’s what I’m guessing, or a similar adhesive to wheatpaste, you can see it dripped on the ground on the right. You can see the lines in Luigi where the pages are separated, so probably just printed on a standard printer.
huh, wonder what they used to take an image blow it up like that and section it into 8 1/2 x 11" printout sections
Blockposters, rasterbator, gizmoa at a quick google search. I’m sure there are others.
damn never seen this Cricut thing before. pretty dope
They’re really cool, but one of those things that have been sold to people as like “Everybody should have this, start your own business doing customizable stickers and things. Buy all the accessories! You’ll use it all the time!” Like yeah, they’d go really well in a neighborhood tool library or a makerspace, but there a ton of them sitting in homes just collecting dust.
My friends and family:
part of the reason they’re gathering dust is because they’re not quite as capable as they seem at first glance, they’re notoriously finicky and buggy, and the Cricut company is utterly shameless when it comes to milking their customers.
(mine also mostly gathers dust, but it was a gift, not an “investment”)
Indeed, it’s also quite a bit of work pulling all those pieces out. I’m not sure I’d have the patience for something like that.
Years ago I used the website to do that, it looks like it might be better now too but idk. I think it’s possible in Photoshop or whatever to print an image across multiple pages though also.
Yeah this is wheatpasted. Looks like it’s several sheets aligned on the wall for Luigi, you can see a bit of misalignment at the page borders (gotta work fast)
Love this