These couches are hostile furnishings for the home. Designed with a center console that acts as a physical barrier between you and The Wife™. Complete with cup holders, motorized reclining action, and a storage compartment where you can keep your Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition collection.

There is no space on this couch for any form of physical intimacy.

    • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
      3 months ago

      Under capitalism there is endless innovation, it is a constantly evolving material continuum where all forms and functions exist in infinite combination, such that all manor of objects exist for even the most esoteric desires. In this endless realm of possibility a lay person may see only two recliners, while the ever scheming mind of the capitalist sees a new and alluring product. In the grand tradition of the Native Americans before him, the capitalist leaves no peace of the “animal” unused, gluing two underperforming reclining chairs together in a fever pitched moment of true innovative expression, to the wonder and amazement of droves of consumers. A feat yet to be accomplished in the desolate streets of Moscow.