Anybody here experience any extraordinary dreams? I’ll start.

One that has haunted me for years is a dream that I don’t clearly remember, I just remember facts about the dream. I remember that I was a whole other person with a whole other life. I had a family, a spouse with kids, and this entirely different identity. I was still a man, idk if same culture or ethnicity, but I remember I was about 15 or 20 years older in the dream than I was IRL. At some point, in the dream, I realized that I had to go away, and everyone else knew I had to go away too. I was sad, and everyone else was too. The only thing I (vaguely) directly recall about the dream was being huddled with my family and friends as I slowly faded out of the dream and into reality. I woke up with tears running down my face, not knowing who I was IRL and wanting urgently to go back. It took a solid ten minutes of laying in bed for this version of me to wind up and regain my memories. I’ve never experienced anything like it before or since, and it’s a constant, very low level memory for me. This life feels as real as the dream did, it feels as though there is literally no reason it can’t happen again to this reality and I’ll lose this set of family and friends and start over in some new reality again. I don’t think it was seeing the future or a past life (besides, I don’t remember the setting being meaningfully distinct a la futuristic tech or medieval living conditions) or anything like that, it was just a dream that felt so real that I’m not sure I’ll ever lose the 0.1% of doubt that I have for this reality.