Walk into a store wildly inebriated (to the point of poisoning yourself), begin stripping your clothes and knocking random shit over, insulting those who try to stop you, hitting on women in an incomprehensible slur, and just before they get security to kick you out, yell, “Fine, I can see I’m not appreciated here. Not very disco of you!”
Then put on the item you planned to steal and walk out. Repeat until your outfit is complete!
Okay but how do I steal the look when I don’t have ✤7000?
pass the appropriate skill check to steal it duh
The meme says steal, not pay for the look.
Walk into a store wildly inebriated (to the point of poisoning yourself), begin stripping your clothes and knocking random shit over, insulting those who try to stop you, hitting on women in an incomprehensible slur, and just before they get security to kick you out, yell, “Fine, I can see I’m not appreciated here. Not very disco of you!”
Then put on the item you planned to steal and walk out. Repeat until your outfit is complete!