Hey all,
So I recently learned that the Nutty Club brand is going to shut down completely next month and is currently auctioning off all their equipment. While they admittedly didn’t seem to be the best in terms of marketing their product and adjusting to the new retail landscape, I still find it sad seeing a Canadian business going defunct, especially one with as much history and nostalgia factor as Nutty Club has.
That being said, what are some good independent candy companies based here in Canada I can support going forward? While I am working overall to dial down my intake of sweets and junk food, I’d love to support something made here when I do decide to treat myself. If it helps for context, I personally live out west in Alberta, but I’d also love to hear of what’s available in the rest of Canada. The only other independent, decently inexpensive Canadian candy that comes to mind are Pal-O-Mines, and I’m not even 100% sure if they’re made here or just sold in Canada.
Looks like you’re off by a year. They stopped taking orders in January of 2024, and the auction happened months ago.
Sad to see them go.
Pal-o-Mines are in fact, produced in Canada by the Ganong Bros group. Their only factory is in New Brunswick, and they make all kinds of chocolate
If you’re familiar with Chicken Bones, the pink cinnamon hard candy with chocolate filling, is a creation of theirs
https://kokomonk.com/ and https://www.livinglotus.net/ Small companies though, to get their stuff you’d have to visit or place and order.