holidays edition!

  • 🐠 tiago🍍
    3 months ago
    • Starting to learn Japanese !! The first hiragana I learnt were あ and の; progress is steady. Manga is incredibly more fun, now that I can parse some ideophones.

    • Family visited for Xmas. As I only had met 3 out of the 9 people that came over, I was quite anxious. This house has not had visitors during the holidays for over a decade. Everything has been surprisingly chill; I’d even dare saying they’re welcome next year !!

    • I created another tiny notebook out of old tickets (y esta vez incluso forrado !! uwu). Vivan los mamotretos.

    • Cagamos al tío !! Quite cathartic on one end, and a fun jingle on the other. Love my friends.