we don’t even live in Britain
I am boycotting because fuck the monarchy, my dad is mad at me, what the hell
Like jesus I knew they were libs but cmon, the king???
we don’t even live in Britain
I am boycotting because fuck the monarchy, my dad is mad at me, what the hell
Like jesus I knew they were libs but cmon, the king???
Absolutely fucked. That is like the one good thing that came out of American Independence is we accepted as a nation that having Kings is cringe.
Have you spoken to USians? They love the Bri*ish monarchy.
I know they exist but fortunately I don’t know any Royal Watchers. As good Americans we should watch the Kardashians because the meritocratic force of the market chose them, not some silly divine right!
That’s what I told them and then my dad got grumpy
Funny that the US president quickly ended up with more power and less accountability than the British Monarchs.