One random night, I lay on my bed in my silent bedroom, and I felt that the silence is uncomfortable. Why, I asked myself, that the silence felt sharp, like I prefer the noise of my annoyingly loud dehumidifier, or the muffled sound of traffic in my old apartment?
I realized that the silence was ringing, in a high pitched noise that we all associate with being hit near the ears. My inner voice told myself: “man, you have tinnitus.”
Thinking back, that wasn’t the first time I thought that I have tinnitus, but I was probably in denial for years, or it just got louder. The sad part is that I’m only 26, and somehow, I feared getting tinnitus ever since my childhood.
Even worse, I just ordered a pair of headphones with ANC, and when I don’t play anything through it, the ringing gets very clear.
Was depressed for a few days, thinking that it’s not fair that I got it even though I don’t expose myself to loud noises often, I listen to music at a couple levels lower than my preference, and I don’t turn up my music to drown out noises.
But nothing in life is fair, and to compared to the suffering of others, this is only a mild discomfort. So I’ll try to keep positive about it, and be grateful that I still enjoy a comparatively luxurious life.
I’ll visit a doctor soon though!
Any of you have a similar experience? I’ll be happy to read your stories!
Yes. Fighting it all my life. I first noticed when I went to the desert and it was so silent all I could hear was this high pitched squeal like a old CRT tv.
I’ve been to doctors, sometimes they’ll give you basically ear viagra, to increase blood flow. That can help.
Changing my diet significantly helped, improving blood flow to all of my extremities including my ears significantly reduced my tinnitus symptoms. If you have high blood pressure, or any other metabolic syndrome factors, improving that may also improve your tinnitus
What dietary changes did you make to improve blood flow to your extremities? That’s a problem I have as well, including tinnitus.
I eventually settled on low carb high fat. Lots of literature out there supporting it. After 6 months my blood pressure was back to normal, and other benefits. I’ve been sticking to it ever since.
Happy to answer any questions
Ear Viagra! I’ll never forget your description.
I think I have normal BP so far, and historically rather low, but I think I’ve been eating too much salt lately I’ll have to cut back on highly processed food (but their shelf life is just so conveniently long!) I’ll look out on my BP!
Salt has gotten unfairly blamed for the damage sugar has done, i wouldn’t recommend reducing your salt.
On the whole, regardless of which diet you subscribe too, eating whole foods, not processed, where the ingredients is just the name of the thing - is a great way to clean up your diet.
Hey, thanks it was a good read. I’ve known that it’s largely inconclusive and the conflicting recommendation is confusing.
Nevertheless, as you said, getting whole food is the best, and if I want it salty, I’ll add the salt and msg myself 😂