Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 16°C, max - 22°C. 25% chance of at least 1mm of rain

Emoji inspiration: I call this part of the year (the time between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day) the “never-never times” because some things are open, others are closed, some people are working, a lot not, so fuck all gets done, and if you need anything besides food or groceries, you’re basically SOL

Happy International Day of Epidemic Preparedness!

    3 months ago

    I am thankful I have a long term partner and have never needed to used dating apps. It sounds like a nightmare. Ghosting is such a repulsive move to me. A simple “I’ve not been feeling it will work with us, its been nice chatting and wish you luck in the future’ is all that’s needed? But apparently that’s not the done thing? I think look at it like a filter, someone who doesn’t have the capabiltiy to communicate they don’t want to continue is not going to be someone you can build a good relationship with. Relationships need communication. Shrug and move on.

      3 months ago

      That is a way of looking at it. If they cant communicate straight away, it wouldn’t be much better down the track I imagine.