Hi all, I have been chasing answers for this for months on the Proxmox forums, Reddit, and the LevelOneTechs forums and haven’t gotten much guidance, unfortunately. Hoping Lemmy will be the magic solution!

Perhaps I couched my initial thread in too much detail, so after some digging I got to more focused questions for my follow-up (effectively what this thread is), but I still didn’t get much of a response!

In all this time, I even have one more random thought I haven’t asked elsewhere - if I “Add Storage” of my ZFS pools in Proxmox, even though the categories don’t really fit data storage (the categories are like VM data, CT data, ISOs, snippets, etc.), then I could attach these to a VM or CT and replicate them via “normal” Proxmox cluster replication - is it OK to add such data pools to this storage section as such?

Anyway, to the main course - the summary of what I’m seeking help on is below.

Long story short:

  • 3 nodes in a cluster, using ZFS.
    • CTs and VMs are replicated across nodes via GUI.
  • I want to replicate data in ZFS pools (which my CTs and VMs use - CTs through bind-mounts, VMs through NFS shares) to the other nodes.
    • Currently using Sanoid/Syncoid to make this happen from one node to two others via cronjob.

So three questions:

  1. If I do Sanoid/Syncoid on all three nodes (to each other) - is this stupid, and will it fail - or will each node recognize snapshots for a ZFS pool and incrementally update if needed (even if the snapshot was made on/by a different node)?
    • As a sub-question to this - and kind of the point of my overall thread and the previous one - is this even a sensible way to approach this, or is there a better way?
  2. For the GUI-based replication tasks, since I have CTs replicating to other systems, if I unchecked “skip replication” for the bind-mounted ZFS pools - would this accomplish the same thing? Or would it fail outright? I seem to remember needing to check this for some reason.
  3. Is this PVE-zsync suitable for my situation? I see mention of no recursive syncing, which I don’t fully know what that means, and I don’t know if that’s a dealbreaker. I suppose if this is the correct choice - then I need to delete my current GUI-based CT/VM replication tasks?

For those with immense patience, here was the original thread with more detail:

Hi all, so I setup three Proxmox servers (two identical, one “analogous”) - and the basics about the setup are as follows:

  • VMs and CTs are replicated every 15 minutes from one node to the other two.
  • One CT runs Cockpit for SMB shares - bind-mounted to the ZFS pools with the datasets that are SMB-shared.
    • I use this for accessing folders via GUI over the network from my PC.
  • One CT runs an NFS server (no special GUI, only CLI) - bind-mounted to the ZFS pools with the datasets that are NFS-shared (same as SMB-shared ones).
    • Apps that need to tap into data use NFS shares (such as Jellyfin, Immich, Frigate) provided by this CT.
  • Two VMs are of Debian, running Docker for my apps.
  • VMs and CTs are all stored on 2x2TB M.2 NVMe SSDs.
  • Data is stored in folders (per the NFS/SMB shares) on a 4x8TB ZFS pool with specific datasets like Media, Documents, etc. and a 1x4TB SSD ZFS “pool” for Frigate camera footage storage.

Due to having hardware passed-through to the VMs (GPU and Google Coral TPU) and using hardware resource mappings (one node as an Nvidia RTX A2000, two have Nvidia RTX 3050s - can have them all with the same mapped resource node ID to pass-through without issue despite being different GPUs), I don’t have instant HA failover.

Additionally, as I am using ZFS with data on all three separate nodes, I understand that I have a “gap” window in the event of HA where the data on one of the other nodes may not be all the way up-to-date if a failover occurs before a replication.

So after all the above - this brings me to my question - what is the best way to replicate data that is not a VM or a CT, but raw data stored on those ZFS pools for the SMB/NFS shares - from one node to another?

I have been using Sanoid/Syncoid installed on one node itself, with cronjobs. I’m sure I’m not using it perfectly (boy did I have a “fun” time with the config files), and I did have a headache with retention and getting rid of ZFS snapshots in a timely manner to not fill up the drives needlessly - but it seems to be working.

I just setup the third node (the “analogous” one in specs) which I want to be the active “primary” node and need to copy data over from the other current primary node - I just want to do it intelligently, and then have this node, in its new primary node role, take over the replication of data to the other two nodes.

Would so very, very badly appreciate guidance from those more informed/experienced than me on such topics.

  • pr0927@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    Hmm, alright - yeah my other nodes have the same ZFS pools already made.

    For adding a virtual drive, you mean going to this section, and choosing “Add: Hard Disk” then selecting whatever ZFS pool I would have added under the prior screenshot, under the highlighted red “Storage” box? Will the VM “see” the data already in that pool if it is attached to it like this?

    Sorry for my ignorance - I’m a little confused by the “storagename:dataset” thing you mentioned?

    And for another dumb question - when you say “copy the data into a regularly made virtual drive on the guest” - how is this different exactly?

    One other thing comes to mind - instead of adding the ZFS pools to the VMs, what if I added them to my CT that runs an NFS server, via Mount Point (GUI) instead of the bind-mount way I currently have? Of course, I would need to add my existing ZFS pools to the Datacenter “Storage” section in the same way as previous discussed (with the weird content categories).

    • ikidd@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      So if you go to /etc/pve/nodes/<nodename>/qemu-server on the PM host, you’ll find the config files for any VMs you made, which you can edit offline. In these files you’ll find all the devices etc you define in the GUI. If you fix the line for the new virtual drive to reflect the storagename:dataset of the existing dataset (from zfs list on the host), it should attach that dataset via that drive when you boot the guest.

      Be sure to set the size to reflect at least the existing size of the data in the dataset so you don’t have issues when you bring that drive into the VM as a virtual drive that it’s not addressing the whole dataset because it thinks it ends sooner than it does. You’ll have to fstab that new virtual drive into your guest OS as usual.

      As I said, I would highly suggest testing this by repping your dataset to a test dataset before importing it as above just to make sure it works as expected.

      And I kinda thought you would be doing this to your NFS server, so just do that same thing but instead of /etc/pve/nodes/<nodename>/qemu-server you want /etc/pve/nodes/<nodename>/lxc for the CT config files. Once you mount the new virt drive in the CT, fix your NFS paths.

      • pr0927@lemmy.worldOP
        3 months ago

        Ah, I see - this is effectively the same as the first image I shared, but via shell instead of GUI, right?

        For my NFS server CT, my config file is as follows currently, with bind-mounts:

        arch: amd64
        cores: 2
        hostname: bridge
        memory: 512
        mp0: /spynet/NVR,mp=/mnt/NVR,replicate=0,shared=1
        mp1: /holocron/Documents,mp=/mnt/Documents,replicate=0,shared=1
        mp2: /holocron/Media,mp=/mnt/Media,replicate=0,shared=1
        mp3: /holocron/Syncthing,mp=/mnt/Syncthing,replicate=0,shared=1
        net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,gw=,hwaddr=BC:24:11:62:C2:13,ip=,type=veth
        onboot: 1
        ostype: debian
        rootfs: ctdata:subvol-101-disk-0,size=8G
        startup: order=2
        swap: 512
        lxc.apparmor.profile: unconfined
        lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: a

        For full context, my list of ZFS pools (yes, I’m a Star Wars nerd):

        NAME                                    USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
        holocron                               13.1T  7.89T   163K  /holocron
        holocron/Documents                     63.7G  7.89T  52.0G  /holocron/Documents
        holocron/Media                         12.8T  7.89T  12.8T  /holocron/Media
        holocron/Syncthing                      281G  7.89T   153G  /holocron/Syncthing
        rpool                                  13.0G   202G   104K  /rpool
        rpool/ROOT                             12.9G   202G    96K  /rpool/ROOT
        rpool/ROOT/pve-1                       12.9G   202G  12.9G  /
        rpool/data                               96K   202G    96K  /rpool/data
        rpool/var-lib-vz                        104K   202G   104K  /var/lib/vz
        spynet                                 1.46T  2.05T    96K  /spynet
        spynet/NVR                             1.46T  2.05T  1.46T  /spynet/NVR
        virtualizing                           1.20T   574G   112K  /virtualizing
        virtualizing/ISOs                       620M   574G   620M  /virtualizing/ISOs
        virtualizing/backup                     263G   574G   263G  /virtualizing/backup
        virtualizing/ctdata                    1.71G   574G   104K  /virtualizing/ctdata
        virtualizing/ctdata/subvol-100-disk-0  1.32G  6.68G  1.32G  /virtualizing/ctdata/subvol-100-disk-0
        virtualizing/ctdata/subvol-101-disk-0   401M  7.61G   401M  /virtualizing/ctdata/subvol-101-disk-0
        virtualizing/templates                  120M   574G   120M  /virtualizing/templates
        virtualizing/vmdata                     958G   574G    96K  /virtualizing/vmdata
        virtualizing/vmdata/vm-200-disk-0      3.09M   574G    88K  -
        virtualizing/vmdata/vm-200-disk-1       462G   964G  72.5G  -
        virtualizing/vmdata/vm-201-disk-0      3.11M   574G   108K  -
        virtualizing/vmdata/vm-201-disk-1       407G   964G  17.2G  -
        virtualizing/vmdata/vm-202-disk-0      3.07M   574G    76K  -
        virtualizing/vmdata/vm-202-disk-1      49.2G   606G  16.7G  -
        virtualizing/vmdata/vm-203-disk-0      3.11M   574G   116K  -
        virtualizing/vmdata/vm-203-disk-1      39.6G   606G  7.11G  -

        So you’re saying to list the relevant four ZFS datasets in there but, instead of as bind-points, as virtual drives (as seen in the “rootfs” line)? Or rather, as “storage backed mount points” from here:


        Hopefully I’m on the right track!

        • ikidd@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Add a fresh disk from one of your ZFS backed storages instead of a mountpoint from a directory. When I do that I get a mount like:

          mp0: local-zfs:subvol-105-disk-1,mp=/mountpoint,replicate=0,size=8G

          Can cat me /etc/pve/storage.cfg so I can see where your mp’s are coming from? I’d expect to see them show up as storagename:dataset like mine unless you’re mounting them as directory type.

          • pr0927@lemmy.worldOP
            3 months ago

            So currently I haven’t re-added any of the data-storing ZFS pools to the Datacenter storage section (wanted to understand what I’m doing before trying anything). Right now my storage.cfg reads as follows (without having added anything):

            zfspool: virtualizing
                    pool virtualizing
                    content images,rootdir
                    mountpoint /virtualizing
                    nodes chimaera,executor,lusankya
                    sparse 0
            zfspool: ctdata
                    pool virtualizing/ctdata
                    content rootdir
                    mountpoint /virtualizing/ctdata
                    sparse 0
            zfspool: vmdata
                    pool virtualizing/vmdata
                    content images
                    mountpoint /virtualizing/vmdata
                    sparse 0
            dir: ISOs
                    path /virtualizing/ISOs
                    content iso
                    prune-backups keep-all=1
                    shared 0
            dir: templates
                    path /virtualizing/templates
                    content vztmpl
                    prune-backups keep-all=1
                    shared 0
            dir: backup
                    path /virtualizing/backup
                    content backup
                    prune-backups keep-all=1
                    shared 0
            dir: local
                    path /var/lib/vz
                    content snippets
                    prune-backups keep-all=1
                    shared 0

            Under my ZFS pools (same on each node), I have the following:

            The “holocron” pool is a RAIDZ1 combo of 4x8TB HDDs, “virtualizing” is RAID mirrored 2x2TB SSDs, and “spynet” is a single 4TB SSD (NVR storage).

            When you say to “add a fresh disk” - you just mean to add a resource to a CT/VM, right? I trip on the terminology at times, haha. And would it be wise to add the root ZFS pool (such as “holocron”) or to add specific datasets under it (such as "Media or “Documents”)?

            I’m intending to create a test dataset under “holocron” to test this all out before I put my real data through any risk, of course.

            • ikidd@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              Another advantage to always specifying your resources as zfs storage backed is snapshotting. I have one CT docker host and one VM docker host, both ZFS backed, and when I make any major changes or upgrades, I snapshot the guest, and sometimes clone it if I want to test it before pushing it to prod. I have had to revert them because I didn’t like what I did and it’s super simple then. Never having used directory resources, I don’t know how snapshotting works but I can’t imagine it’s the same since PM isn’t triggering the snapshot mechanism in ZFS if it’s a directory mountpoint.

              Backups via PBS are also snapshotted, so you don’t run the risk of having a database-stored metadata out of sync with the storage.

            • ikidd@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              Yes, add a resource and specify it as the ZFS storage you want. I’m mystified why your disk resources in your NFS CT show up as directories and not zfs:dataset unless you were specifying them as the host mountpoint instead of as their ZFS dataset. I think if it’s as a directory, you need to take care of the underlying replication, and if it’s specified as a dataset, then PM will. You could probably just fix those to be ZFS specified mountpoints and you’d be fine.

              I only specify one pool on a real zpool to Proxmox and work from there, I don’t make ZFS pools in PM out of the underlying datasets. I find that method confusing but I can see why you do it, and I can’t imagine it would mess anything up by doing it.

              • pr0927@lemmy.worldOP
                3 months ago

                Oh I added the disk resources via shell (via nano) to that config for the NFS server CT, following some guide for bind-mounts. I guess that’s the wrong format and treated them like directories instead of ZFS pools?

                I’ll follow the formatting you’ve used (ans I think what results “naturally” from the GUI adding of such a ZFS storage dataset.

                And yeah I don’t think replication works if it’s not ZFS, so I need to fix that.

                Per your other commend - agreed regarding the snapshotting - it’s already saved me on a Home Assistant VM I have running, so I’d love to have that properly working for the actual data in the ZFS pools too.

                Is it generally a best practice to only create the “root” ZFS pool and not these datasets within Proxmox (or any hypervisor)?

                Thanks so much for your assistance BTW, this has all been reassuring that I’m not in some lost fool land, haha.

                • ikidd@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  IDK about “best practice”. I think what you have going works fine, it’ll just create new datasets under those datasets that you’re linking to instead of a level higher like I end up with. I just find it easier to find snapshots, etc without having to drill down. But if you have other properties you want to apply to just those datasets like compression, etc, that’s a perfectly cromulent thing to do.

                  That makes sense about the NFS mounts, then, because the format is what I would call a bind mount as well. I think resetting them to the actual zfs dataset will have a better result for you.

                  NP on assistance, it looks like you were having some issues and I’m happy to share what little I know to help. Feel free to ping me if you need more help with this or other issues.

                  • pr0927@lemmy.worldOP
                    3 months ago

                    Ah makes sense. Will try to give this a go tomorrow when i have time/energy. Appreciate it, definitely will do!

                  • pr0927@lemmy.worldOP
                    3 months ago

                    It took me a while to find a moment to give it a go, but I created a test dataset under my main ZFS pool and added it to a CT - it did snapshots and replication fine.

                    The one question I have is - for the bind-mounts, I didn’t have any size set - and they accurately show remaining disk space for the pool they are on.

                    Here it seems I MUST give a size? Is that correct? I didn’t really want to allocate a smaller size for any given dataset, if possible. I saw something about storage-backed mount points, and adding them (via config file, versus GUI) and setting “size=0” - if this is of a ZFS dataset, would this “turn” it into a directory and prevent snapshotting or replicating to other nodes?

                    One last question - when I’m adding anything to the Datacenter’s storage section, do I want to check availability for all nodes? Does that matter?

                    Thanks again!