No gf, no friends, it’s hard to meet new people. Tinder and other apps don’t work. Idk even if I travel somewhere I’m alone

  • Che
    3 months ago

    My first ‘real vacation’ after the 2008 housing market crash where I lost my ass I went to meet up with some people in our (old forum days) off road for total of a week off.

    I spent money on gas, shared a camping site with another dude form my area -10$/night split, site was big enough for our 2 tents, plus fire pit & had a shower/shitter building at the front). I packed a lot of food but went shopping for groceries/beer.

    Had a big ol time, and I had never met any of them face to face. Most of us were back the next year, and most of us still keep in touch.

    You don’t need to be an expert at anything, (I am not mechanically inclined, nor had I ever off roaded much, I traded mod work for food because I cook, and when I got into trouble everyone else had the toys to get me out) just find a thing and see who is weird enough to invest their time and energy into it.