Social media right now is an ocean of would-be propaganda for traditional heterosexual marriage. There are “tradwives,” who cosplay submissive housewives on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. They overlap with “family vloggers,” typically conservative Christians with large families who chronicle their daily lives online. The world of Christian right content online is far more interested in the maintenance and promotion of the patriarchal nuclear family than, say, the life of Jesus Christ, who died as one of those “childless cat ladies” Vance hates so much. Billionaire Peter Thiel has even funded a woman’s magazine, meant to compete with Vogue or Cosmopolitan, that positions extremely conservative marriage as the only true path for women’s lives.

    2 months ago

    I think the difference is the strict roles and specifically the wife that is submissive and exclusively plays the role of child rearer and homemaker. There’s nothing “right wing” about being heterosexual, its the forcing everyone to be and to be heterosexual in the predefined style they demand.

    Honestly, I believe that you already understand this unsubtle and obvious distinction and that your comment is not in good faith