
A Gallup poll shows 62% of Americans now believe it is the government’s responsibility to ensure health care access—the highest level in over a decade.

Support for government involvement has grown among Republicans (32%) and independents (65%), while 90% of Democrats agree.

Despite increased approval of the Affordable Care Act (54%), Republicans, led by Donald Trump, may target Medicaid and ACA spending to fund $4 trillion in tax cuts.

Trump has offered vague healthcare plans but has not provided detailed proposals to replace the ACA.

  • Queen
    3 months ago

    Conservative Politicians are popular and Progressive policies are popular.

    Oh, god damn I hate the Muhammad Smith Paradox.

    For those who don’t know what I mean.

    The most common first name in the world is Muhammad, primarily due to its religious significance in Arabic countries, but the most common surname in the world is Smith, due to many European people getting their last name from the profession of an ancestor and many jobs in the middle ages were one kind of “Smith” or another, and that gets a boost from African Americans who take their last names from the slave owners who bought their ancestors (God this world is fucked up)

    But without given the context as to WHY these names are common, you would believe that most people are named “Muhammad Smith”, when in reality, basically no one would have that as a name. (I believe I heard somewhere that the FBI automatically flags the name “Muhammad Smith” as an alias anytime they see it used due to the high unprobability of the name, but don’t quote me on that. I think I read it on TV Tropes or something)

    Basically it occurs when two things are true, but the implication of both things being true is false. In America; Progressive policies are popular with the common man because if enacted they would erase poverty almost overnight and most Americans are poor due to worsening wealth inequality.

    Conservative politicians are popular because the Conservative brand is about putting on an air of masculinity and pretending to be a firebrand angry at [Insert Group Here] as opposed to actually having policy. As the real goal is to rob the country blind and scream “HE DID IT!” at whatever minority group is the current “Freak of the Week”, in short. Republicans are Confidence Men and Americans like men who are confident.

    If you didn’t have specific details on the reason for the popularity of Progressive Policies and Conservative Politicians. Logic would dictate that Conservative politicians are popular because they pass progressive policy, which is obviously not the case.