The political landscape in the West has shifted dramatically in recent decades, with increasing numbers of people becoming disillusioned with mainstream liberal politics gravitating toward the right. This trend is not accidental but rooted in systemic, cultural, and psychological factors that make the right a more accessible and appealing alternative for those feeling alienated.

The left’s historical strength lay in its ability to articulate a clear critique of the capitalist system, centered on the exploitative relationship between workers and owners. Class, as a concept, derives its significance from the process of surplus extraction: the transfer of wealth from those who labor to those who own. This dynamic is the engine of inequality, enabling a small elite to extract wealth from the working class majority who toil with little to show for it. Yet, the left in the West has largely moved away from class analysis, instead focusing on social issues and identity politics.

While issues of race, gender, and other forms of identity are undeniably important, the left’s emphasis on these concerns has often come at the expense of addressing the broader economic injustices that affect all working people. By treating these issues as separate from class struggle, the left has fractionalized its base, creating a patchwork of identity groups that often emphasize their distinctiveness rather than their shared interests. As such, the left is unable to present a unified front to the capitalist system and the ruling class.

In contrast, the right has adeptly tapped into the economic anxieties of working-class people. While the solutions they propose are misguided or outright harmful, the right acknowledges the very real frustrations of those who feel left behind by the system. When right-wing figures argue that the economy is rigged against ordinary people, they resonate with the lived experiences of many who see their wages stagnate, their costs of living rise, and their opportunities shrink.

The right’s message is effective because it doesn’t require a radical rethinking of the world. Instead, it builds on the capitalist and nationalist ideologies that people have been steeped in their entire lives. By blaming immigrants, government overreach, or cultural elites, the right offers scapegoats that align with preexisting prejudices and fears. This makes their ideology not only accessible but also emotionally satisfying.

On the other hand, moving to the left requires questioning the very foundations of the system. Socialist thinking runs contrary to the ideas of capitalism, individualism, and the myth of meritocracy that most people have been taught to accept as natural and inevitable. For many, this is a daunting prospect. It involves rejecting deeply held beliefs and confronting uncomfortable truths about the world and their place in it. While some are willing to make this leap, most find it easier to retreat into the familiar narratives offered by the right.

If the left hopes to counter this trend, it must reclaim class analysis as a central pillar of its politics. This doesn’t mean abandoning the fight against racism, sexism, or other forms of oppression but rather recognizing that these struggles are interconnected with the broader fight against economic exploitation. The forces that perpetuate class inequality are the same ones that propagate racism, sexism, militarism, and ecological devastation. These issues must be framed as part of a unified struggle that unites all working class people.

The left needs to provide a compelling narrative that’s able to compete with the one that the right peddles. It has to be accessible and relatable to those feeling alienated from the political mainstream.

    3 months ago

    The other issue is tribalism. People are rejected by parents, siblings, friends and employers when they go against the grain. This was absolutely the last holiday for visiting parent.

      3 months ago

      This was absolutely the last holiday for visiting parent.

      same here for my family.

      i get that we need to build bridges to bring us back in from the political wilderness in this country; but there’s something to be said about finding a balance between trying to help the people you care about and preserving your own well being. especially when you see the a particular beloved member of a younger generation getting sucked into the overwhelming nature of that tribe for the first time and simultaneously recognizing that there’s nothing you can do about it and that all of your efforts have been in vein.

      this past xmas break has made me wish that i was as smart as my sister is when she warned me that it’s best to keep a friendly & welcoming distance from them decades ago; permanently. i became invested in my nephews & nieces (like i did their parents and my own siblings) and now i know that i will have to watch another procession of an entirely new generation of my family members laugh & meme at the tankies while unhappily assuming their roles as capitalist cannon fodder to the point of self harm & recycling generational trauma that their grandmothers and I had to endure. all the while proudly proclaiming that everything will be fine (eventually) because they will always vote blue no matter who and will soon be the majority.

      a third of us are trumpers now and the rest still won’t/can’t see it 🤦