My favorite time was on the road with some friends (we’re all from up in them thar mountains, so it’s not like we were a bunch of New Yorkers) and 5/6 of us could not for the life of us understand our waitress, and we thought she might be speaking a foreign language, until one of our number, who was fluent in the Waffle House dialect of gibberish, translated for us.
Ok so me (bald white man) and my boy (Puerto Rican, braids), were eating at a waffle House beside our hotel late. The two waitresses came up, very young, and said are you the movie guys?
We’re like what?
One of them said yeah you’re staying at the hotel, we make a movie and get paid. We tipped and dipped.
My favorite time was on the road with some friends (we’re all from up in them thar mountains, so it’s not like we were a bunch of New Yorkers) and 5/6 of us could not for the life of us understand our waitress, and we thought she might be speaking a foreign language, until one of our number, who was fluent in the Waffle House dialect of gibberish, translated for us.
no one on earth
fucks better
than waffle house waitresses
the secret ingredient is meth
For the patron or the waitress?
I really like you. Not as much as a wavvenhaus hure.
Yain’t seen shit son.
Absolutely. We’re pretty sure she was shooting up between waffles, but we all knew when walking out that it could’ve gone MUCH weirder.
Ok so me (bald white man) and my boy (Puerto Rican, braids), were eating at a waffle House beside our hotel late. The two waitresses came up, very young, and said are you the movie guys?
We’re like what?
One of them said yeah you’re staying at the hotel, we make a movie and get paid. We tipped and dipped.