cross-posted from:
Hello I have run some table-top role-playing games for hexbear users for a few years now Pathfinder 2e, Cyberpunk RED, Shadowrun 5e, and Masks.
I wanted to see if there was any interest in a weekly game on roll20 as a VTT and discord for voice.
I’m interested in running:
- Blades in the Dark using the Deep Cuts supplement [Victorian / steampunk heist game]
- Night’s Black Agents [Modern spy/vampire investigation using the GUMSHOE system]
- Delta green [modern alphabet agency investigation of call of Cthulhu / SCP mythos using a d100 skill based system]
- Pulp Cthulhu [retro action/investigation like Indiana Jones/The Mummy based on Call of Cthulhu 7th edition a d100 skill based system]
- Monster of the Week [modern monster hunter / investigation style based on the Powered by the apocalypse system a player-facing narrative focused system]
I would be open to 3 - 5 players, I like to play weekly for around 3 hours and will run as long as 2 players show up i’m open to running a sandbox in a basic fantasy rpg style system if we don’t have the full group
I’m in CET and am available to start from 17:00 CET to 21:00 CET [ending between 20:00 CET and 24:00] and am available Tuesday through Friday.
I wanna play but I have literally no experience
You don’t need any experience, I’ve taught the hobby to loads of people over the years.
Cool, I’ll join
Hey, is this still happening?
It is, we have chosen Delta Green and Thursdays already though
Do you have spots available still?