It is, we have chosen Delta Green and Thursdays already though
You don’t need any experience, I’ve taught the hobby to loads of people over the years.
I’ve been following this research document for awhile as I watched nominal.naomi’s videos
Kind of neat to see you on lemmy. I’ve purchased Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master and have watched some of your youtube videos, the 1 year of shadowdark was informative as I just started a Shadowdark version of Keep on the Borderlands.
I have done online only since the pandemic so GIMP, Inkarnate, Roll20, and ZIM Desktop Wiki are pretty essential for organizing as well as digital table-top for play.
I own and frequently use the (Stars/Worlds/Cities) without numbers books often depending on the genre for procedural world-building but I was recently gifted Microscope and im sorry did you say street magic so I’m looking forward to making the shift towards collaborative world building with the players.
Also from the SWN book are the faction rules which are broadly applicable.
Finally I usually reread the Mothership Wardens Operations Manual before I do my October horror one-shots
While I haven’t yet purchased Justin Alexander’s So you want to be a game master, I have extensively read his blog, and often reread it when creating for a new campaign.
looks like you caught yourself a mod!
guzzling cum through a dog-muzzle
If anyone is interested in playing a Halloween-themed Delta Green One-shot I have one spot available for a 16:00 CET / 9:00am EST game. Let me know if you are interested, in that or another day/time.
makes sense, thanks for the interest. I play in a masks game on saturday and GM burning wheel on sunday so my weekends are already occupied <3 Good luck on your thesis defense!
What is the earliest you are available in your timezone? Are you west coast? Are you available the 31st?
So excited to do a couple of spooky roleplaying with people!
Already have a couple Tuesdays lined up for some Delta Green / SCP-style scares with mostly trans hexbears
sent a message!
Went thru the book, character creation, and talked about the system last weekend and are looking to start this Saturday. I can reach out in a couple weeks to see if you are still interested if you’d like
Everquest 1 and BDO
Nostalgia for EQ1 is so strong but unless you got friends trying to get into an old-style mmorpg now is painful
BDO because I actually love the combat style and gameplay but the k-mmorpg inspired upgrade system is just maddening also fuck microtransactions
For a “boss” level fight DnD is slower for low-tier enemies shadowrun can be slower. However Shadowun combat is much more lethal, a well-placed shot from a security guard can put a weaker player character into near death place.
No worries, and I don’t stream, but I enjoyed this actual play
The basic mechanic is that you use an attribute and a skill to build a dice pool which can be modified by various forms of technology and magic. You then roll the pool and count the numbers of (5s and 6s) rolled in order to beat a threshold or get more 5s and 6s than the other character’s dice pool.
It is often described as a heist game (but you can do “dungeon” crawls, political intrigue, or investigation type games pretty well) in that the three gameplay loops are beginning and ending of the job (initial meet and final meet), the legwork phase where you gather information about the job target/location and plan out how to execute the job, and then executing the job itself. It is very high crunch meaning there are tables the gamemaster references for how far a grenade can be thrown and how it bounces, how gunfights, car chases, computer hacking, spirit summoning etc. is both rolled and handled. This is often compared to a more rules light system like Blades in the Dark.
Combination of Inkarnate or GIMP depending on what I need