After 14 years as a UI designer I’ve decided to become a tattoo artist. I hate most of the tech industry and the demented capitalists that rule over it. Even if I have to be poor and work part time jobs to cover until I’m established, or if I never get established, any time I’m able to spend making art and tattooing will be time I won’t regret spending on earth.
Here is my first attempt at watercolor, using an outline of flash I found online.
These are cool as hell. Best of luck with the career switch, I’ve been increasingly feeling the need to get out of tech too
Goodluck, just don’t become a scratcher if you’re trying to get apprenticeship
What’s a scratcher?
Someone who buys a machine online and tattoos people in their home . Most shops wont fuck with you if they find out you’re doing that or have done it.
Oh shit, why’s that?
Basically they dont want to associate with someone whos known to break regulations. Tattooing isnt just art its also a clinical process so that aspect of it is taken seriously
Good Luck. Nice art
Love the colors, nice shading, and good luck with the new career I hope it works out.