I dreamt, soldiers in the army get points for time spent in combat, like a bonus program. They then get to use them to do command decisions, like choose a target to bomb from a list commanders are unsure about. I was a soldier and during our mission our whole troop got wiped out, except me and a seargent. This mission gave us enough bonus points to choose a target to bomb and the seargent decided to use his points to blow up the suspected base, he was now sure of, the enemies we fought used.

After it had been blown up, he asked me what I will do with my points, now that he used his for the revenge. I told him, I already used them for Nutella. “Nutella? You can use points for Nutella?” “Yes, I made the army deliver a truck load of Nutella to an orphanage.”

And then I woke up.

  • stinky@redlemmy.comM
    3 months ago

    I love how brain is capable of creating entire lived histories in seconds but focuses your attention on a nut spread