
  • Krem [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    Day 1: I’m a young witch in a small village in the fantasy alps trying to find her lost kitty!

    Day 2: (As i’m waking up and stepping outside, cute art style breaking down before my eyes, slowly turning into DE-style) wait I’m a middle aged unemployed tarot-obsessed woman in a small decaying town. My kitty went missing 20 years ago. I’m actually trying to find my missing child? Niece?

    Day 3: (After failing an impossible skill check in the middle of a seemingly normal conversation) wait, i’m a young witch? middle aged woman? both? wait you, the person i’m having a conversatoin with, is the cat?

    Day 4: I had a dream that the two versions are actually both equally fake, Philip Dick, style, and i’m living in a dystopian future where engaging with simulated possible parallel versions of myself and the happiness/pain of living in a world with trees and breathable air is the only meaningful job in this world. also cats have been uplifted to human intelligence level and can talk

    Days 5-6: is it or isn’t it?

    Day 7: Haha just kidding i was just a witch the whole time, the evil wizard made me imagine weird stuff haha, and i found my kitty, yayyy (bad ending)