Prefix this with: not that this matters at all. There have been a number of recent instances of democrats moving to the Republican Party. From a procedural POV is there anything stopping a democrat from switching to the Green Party, PSL, or the like?
Procedurally, no.
But I’m sure the House Commissioner for Lightbulb & Toilet Paper Maintenance will raise the alarm bells and prevent such a thing in the names of Democracy™ and Civility©
There’s absolutely no way
would accept a Dem just “switching”. The bar for membership for normal citizens is already pretty high. Not a single one of them has any legitimate claim to supporting our political objectives and certainly not adhering to our party discipline. The fact they were elected outside the party means there’s no way for the party to hold direct sway over them, and so convincing the party they can be held to our program seems incredibly unlikely.
Maybe Tlaib could get some kind of non-membership cooperation.
I’ve been curious about PSL, looked at their site but didn’t see a lot of info. If you don’t mind me asking, what are the criteria for membership?
I should be clear that I mean the bar is high relative to other leftist groups. The essential tenets of membership are:
Support and advocate for the party’s program through regular party work
Engage in study of party publications and other works
Make regular financial contributions within one’s means
So, on its face, not that hard or very specific. But determining if people fit the party is usually a month-long process followed by a year of candidacy, which has a few specific additional expectations, like regularly attending candidacy classes, and a few specific exceptions, like no mandatory monthly dues.
Definitely apply! You’ll be contacted.
Looks good so far based on that. I know the US has historically persecuted socialist groups with any level of success and their members to insane degrees: Does PSL have any countermeasures for that?
I know there’s a degree of secrecy employed (like not releasing membership numbers) which is wise given historical precedent, but to anyone curious about joining such a group but also strongly aware of Amerikkka’s past and cautious for the safety of themselves and others around them how can historical pitfalls be avoided?
Does PSL have any countermeasures for that?
A thorough membership vetting process and democratic centralism. We study the history of COINTELPRO and other forms of state disruption so we can recognize the signs of infiltrators and act against them. Strong internal discipline.
Nothing stopping you, the only slight disadvantage is the inability to “influence” (by voting) the majority party in some blue states in the primaries, which is something Dems used to have before they took their masks off.
Some just stay in the party to vote in the primaries and then vote for other parties in the general elections, but it’s perfectly rational to not even bother with that because Dems are incapable of learning anyway.
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