Dark mode hurts my eyes and reliably gives me a headache. I can’t understand why anyone prefers to read white text on a dark field.
Dark mode hurts my eyes and reliably gives me a headache. I can’t understand why anyone prefers to read white text on a dark field.
It’s only over if you contractually agree to only ever read anything on paper with a flashlight held directly behind the pages shining light through the paper right into your face.
Ok I actually read the article and was not satisfied with what I saw. The zapier and wired article links to some hella outdated literature (screens have improved a lot from 1998 and 2003 screens).
In the articles you also linked, they also said blue light has more of an effect on eye strain. Age may also be a factor (no shame in getting old). Here’s an obligatory article presenting a case on the usage of dark mode. Honestly, it’s a not too well researched topic. There’s research for and against the use of dark mode.
It all comes down to personal preferance. You can’t just go up to a person and say “Hey fuckwit, your theming is wrong”. That’s universally considered rude. Though if you want to reduce eye strain, it all comes down to blue light level. You can also use e-ink screens however, screen latency is still an issue there.
I just wanted to put articles that conflict with your links. People might see it and say “Ohhhhh I’m gonna switch to light mode because this guy has shiny blue links”. Reader, please, do as you please. Also, don’t reply to this.
Might I direct you to my original point before I mention the irony in your statement?
You are a funny person. So the discomfort I get from the light a screen emits when the screen is predominantly white is not there because the wire wrote that dark mode doesn’t make you blink more often?
And your argument about paper being white is suddenly fitting because people who enable dark mode and like it better never did that because of light even if that is what they say they did it for.
But hey, if you want to get irrationally angry because some people use a button you don’t like to use on their computer, you do you I guess…
If you’re not going to read any of the articles I posted- I don’t see a reason to continue the discussion.
Also, anecdotal evidence doesn’t carry much weight here.
No one in this discussion claimed that any mode was objectively better, they just told you why people use dark mode. If you portrait yourself here like you did in the support thing you are so bitter about, the reason you didn’t get any help was not your screen color setting, just saying.
I don’t know why you seem to really need light mode.to be objectively better, but this topic no one gives a flying f about seems to be really important to you. What a weird hill to die on. For the record: I don’t care who uses what stinking color mode. It’s literally one click so treating that shit as some sort of fundamental decision is bullshit either way. I (and everybody else here) just.told you why we use that mode. That’s all.
I only chimed in because your paper argument was blatantly missing the point and you acted all arrogant about it nonetheless.
Final remark: your “articles” are op-eds without any citation or data so they qualify as “anecdotal” at best. So if you want to lead this discussion with empirical evidence, why don’t you go first, eh?
I never said it was better. I said I got ridiculed and told I was wrong for choosing it. As I have been here.
My point is that there’s factual science that suggests it’s not really better for you in any way (which was frequently offered as a reason to support using it), as well as the fact that human beings have been reading black text on light backgrounds for centuries. It has nothing to do with light emitting nonsense. It has to do with adaptation.
It’s what we are used to. Period.
I honestly don’t care one way or another- but this discussion absolutely proves my original point. People need to lighten up.
Screens showing white pixels do in fact not emit more light than when they emit dark areas. You heard it here first, folks
Okay, now you’re purposefully missing the point. I’m sorry Reddit is having a slow day, but I’m done being roped into your argument.
Blocking this dumb shit now. Have a nice day for yourself.