Ok basically what the title ask. There are so many note taking apps available and also the good old notepad, but, how do you take notes? What do you actually take-keep notes on? Is it like complicated things or simple ones?

All time times that I started using an app or a pen and paper intended up just using a simple reminder for things. Others I just remember.

  • sixdripb@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    emacs orgmode (+ mobile app) is incredibly powerful if you want something local and extensible.

    The capabilities are insane, it can do TODO’s, scheduling, time-tracking, filtered agendas y lots more.

    I have it synced with my iphone (the app i use is “beorg”, but on android a popular one is “orgzly”) and it kinda blows my mind

    Barrier of entry for emacs is a bit high sadly