Happy New Years everyone! Yearly, it’s a tradition for me to play Wii Sports on New years, so i got some screenshots for that tonight. I nearly wasn’t able too as I lost my Wii U power cable and couldn’t find it, but i didn’t let that stop me and i hooked up my PS5 controller to Dolphin and played with it’s Gyroscope.

Some of the games were playable. Not well though. Golf i had to do tiny little taps and it straight up trapped my Mii in a purgatory of Eternal Practice Swings. No matter what i did pressing A did nothing:

I moved on from Golf and to Tennis. it was a bit easier as The Gyroscope was super sensitive. The Miis went all or nothing with it. somehow though i still lost despite having every shot be a 100% basically.

Finally, Bowling kept taking a curve left at the very end. It took me a while to get the Angle Down but i eventually got it. I didn’t get any hole in one’s but i did get a spare.

I didn’t even bother with Boxing because i wasn’t sure how to handle the Gyroscope for the nun-chuck.

I think my lesson learned this year is that i should find my Wii U cables, and probably make that my new years resolution too.

  • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    I honestly am surprised i’ve made it this far. I fully expected to forget one day or just straight up not have time at all at some point along the way. I’m happy i’ve been able to make it this far.