Some ideas are:

  • You branch off into another timeline and your actions make no difference to the previous timeline
  • You’ve already taken said actions but just didn’t know about it so nothing changes
  • Actions taken can have an effect (so you could suddenly erase yourself if you killed your parents)
  • Only “nexus” or fixed events really matter, the timeline will sort itself out for minor changes
  • something else entirely
      3 months ago

      Holy existential horror, Batman! By time traveling, you’ve just caused an entire universe full of new alternate-timeline versions of people to pop into existence. What happened to the timeline you left? It must still exist. You couldn’t have been the only consciousness that was experiencing it. To think otherwise is some extreme solipsism. Gosh, did some other time traveler create the timeline you left by entering it? For that matter, are you actually a duplicate, having just popped into existence with the memory of having time-traveled, but the timeline was created by another time traveler?

      Alternatively, perhaps it’s another timeline out of an infinite number of possibilities that all co-exist? Yikes! That means there’s an infinity of each person across the multiverse. Therefore, you could just murder everybody within reach, and time travel back before your started the rampage. The lives in a particular timeline don’t matter, there are an infinity more. I think Rick & Morty did an episode with that premise.

        3 months ago

        What happened to the timeline you left? It must still exist. You couldn’t have been the only consciousness that was experiencing it. To think otherwise is some extreme solipsism.

        Why does it need to remain? It seems like solipsism to assume it must remain because it’s your point of origin. If something or someone has the power to drop something into the past why wouldnt it overwrite everything? I don’t see why consciousness even gets applied. The universe keeps on whether I am alive, asleep, or dead.

        I see the path of time like a laser beam in a house of mirrors. If someone has the power to add a mirror somewhere. Yep, the whole beam after the fact is a vastly different pattern. Any multiverse would be entirely virtual and theoretical.

          3 months ago

          Why does it need to remain? Because that timeline was populated by 8 billion human, and who knows how many non-human minds. I think it would be solipsism to think that only your own mind was the “real” one keeping the timeline in existence, and it collapsed because you leave it.

          If the time travel power does overwrite everything, all of those minds and all of their subjective experiences are just, nothing? That’s where the existential horror comes in for me.

            3 months ago

            Oh I agree, it’s horrifying. And I have noooo guarantee that it’s me doing the jump. Don’t misunderstand I am NOT the only real mind in this example. I’m curently just hitching a ride on said laser beam. No guarantees that I will be the same or even exist if somebody so much as moves a pebble into the past from the future.

            Existential dread all the way. If we get time travel I think it’s as horrifying a prospect as teleportation on a universal scale with only the traveller maintaining continuity.

      3 months ago

      This is my biggest issue with multiverse time travel in popular culture. Somehow they always travel back and forth between 2 of Infinite timelines