The House of Commons is days from passing Bill S-210, a dangerously broad age verification bill that would put an age lock on most of Canada’s Internet and threaten every Canadian’s privacy.
The House of Commons is days from passing Bill S-210, a dangerously broad age verification bill that would put an age lock on most of Canada’s Internet and threaten every Canadian’s privacy.
Geez. First you guys have universal healthcare and now you will get the recognition my country refuses to give me.
Canada doesn’t have universal healthcare.
And if we’re not careful, we’ll lose universal access.
Haven’t been to an ER lately? It’s already happening.
Is Canada aware of that?
I live in Alberta. Are you aware of the threat to healthcare access in our country? Ever heard of Covenant Health?
Yeah, Mars and beyond was a bit too expensive to cover.
Don’t be arrogant. It’s literally being dismantled in front of our eyes.