My mom would make offhand references to “come the revolution” when I was growing up. I’m not going to say she went out of her way to suggest that would yet skip a generation, but if she knew it would hit me, she was hiding it well.

She was a Democrat, to the point of being part of a few campaigns for congressmen and senators. My dad, on the other hand, was fully on board with the Thatcher/Reagan trickle-down mindset. Why Thatcher first? We didn’t have a portrait of Reagan in the office.

We were nonetheless a family that got invited to things. The Christmas party with Sandra Day O’Connor every year. Gubernatorial candidates from both parties would show up on off years.

When you grow up like this, it’s very easy to believe the system is working for everyone. College was paid for, even though I never finished. The experience of going into debt would wait a few years. And then, the layoffs.

At this point, the only reasons I’m not totally fucked are I work freelance and can’t be found. I’ve not talked with the friend whose address I use in months on account of creditors showing up at 9 p.m. attempting to serve papers. His kids go to bed at 8, so I get it.

But what has sprung from this is a drastic shift without a clutch (ask your parents) from thinking being part of the system was the best outlet to effect change to having zero belief the system can be changed. Sure, it can be, but we’ll get the same results, just slightly less lemon.

I don’t think you can get much more establishment than aspiring to The Washington Post. I still have an April 2003 A1 where I moved a hed after the AME/News came down to review my redesign, 18 months out of college and without a degree, and invited me up for a night on the desk. It sounded a lot more impressive at 23, I’ll grant.

He’d then tell me in Savannah, Ga., over a beer at the hotel bar that he thought I was Post material, but I needed to get the immature shit out of my system, first. Ahead of the Post contingent and me piling into a car where the main topic was “what bullshit did Woodward pull today?” Seriously, consider hearing this conversation less than a year into your career in journalism.

I believed in it back then. I can’t now. And to be honest, it’s broken me of having a full eight hours to devote to the craft. I’m lucky to have four hours before by brain says no.

What the Post and L.A. Times have done may look bad externally; internally, I assure you it looks worse. NYT thankfully showed its true colours quite some time back, so this was more waiting for shoes to drop.

I did not join Beehaw to change the world. I joined my school paper to do that.

And, well, now Gannett owns everything. You can’t even sell efficiencies to managers there, since they need bad data to justify their jobs.

There is no solution here within the scope of the current economic model. So, congratulations, deregulated capitalism, you fucking turned someone raised to accept you. I suspect many others have something to say.

    3 months ago

    After “College was paid for…” I can’t really follow either, although I understand most of the sentences I don’t really get the narrative… or some fancy deliberate emphasis on the change in OP’s life at that point hmm

      3 months ago

      They worked freelance and were avoiding being served papers by moving around.
      Their friend is unhappy with them because creditors keep showing up at odd hours due to OP using the friends address.
      They made a reference to a manual transmission vehicle being shifted improperly. “(ask your parents)” because nobody knows what a manual transmission is anymore.
      “less lemon” again referring to cars (I’m assuming) with Lemon Law—theyre saying things are fucked.
      Etc., etc.

      You’re probably just missing references which is causing confusion.

        3 months ago

        Yes absolutely, thanks for the explanation. As another comment said, this is really nicely written and I should’ve said it earlier - and it’s on this kind of text that I get reminded that there is a gap between a good level of English and native level :)

        I get some of the references and can search online for the rest, but what mainly gets me confused is that I was expecting a more detailed reasoning/explanation of how they became “radicalized” - or what that means for them. I get an nice feeling of what OP has gone through, but I only understand in a very vague manner what justifies it. Thinking about it it’s probably intentional, I just didn’t read it with the right mindset.

        Fun fact, I got the lemons thanks to my economics course.

          3 months ago

          Your English is miles better than my Spanish, friend. You’re doing great.

          Also, that’s an interesting paper. It’s one of those things you never think about until someone theorizes it and then it makes perfect sense.