You know like the old Fallouts and baldurs gate 1 and 2, Which game is the most accessible of these lot?

Obviously the old Fallouts aren’t infinity but they’re very similar regardless.

  • notceps [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I’ve just been playing through the infinity engine games (Currently on IWD2)

    Just talking about Infinity Engine here from most accessible to least:

    Baldurs Gate 1 - This one is very accessible you can just pick fighter and go. The Story is basically pointing you towards the next place and ironically good fighters are somewhat rare in BG1

    Icewind Dale 1 - This one ranks lower because instead of 1 character to have to make a whole party and that can be quite a daunting task, however it’s very well paced and you aren’t going to get lost if it weren’t for character creation this would be above BG1

    Baldurs Gate 2 - Higher level game means you need to figure out how to do buffs, how to deal with enemy mages by dismantling their protective spells requires quite a bit more understanding.

    Planescape Torment - This isn’t a hard game from it’s gameplay it’s pretty easy but Planescape is a very dnd ‘meta’ setting so that’s why it is ranked here.

    Icewind Dale 2 - Ok listen I love 3rd edition but compared to the others there’s a couple of big hurdles one is that you need to know how feats work, you also need to know how resistances work oh and there’s no official enhanced edition only a modded one since the source code was lost.

    Outside of the Infinity Engine some honorable mentions in no particular order since I’m just writing them as they come to my head:

    Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - I generally hate magitech and this one feels the same, it’s set in the industrial revolution in a generic fantasy land. Very fallout very good.

    Temple of Elemental Evil - Really solid implementation of 3e, awesome synth ost this one is much more approachable for a 3e game and has great combat which means it would probably rank below Baldurs Gate 2

    Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 - Solid modern polished games the most accessible out of any mentioned.

    Tyranny - The less polished Pillars but really uplifted by great tight pacing that won’t make you spend 100 hours per playthrough.

    Neverwinter Nights 2 - Oh boy another 3.5e game this one honestly is pretty good since it’s super scuffed so you can just go barbarian and not have as much of a headache.