President-elect Donald Trump took to his Truth Social platform on Friday to complain that the American flag will be flown at half-staff for his inauguration due to the period of mourning for the recently deceased former President Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter with one last middle finger at Trump 🫡
God bless
In any event, because of the death of President Jimmy Carter, the Flag may, for the first time ever during an Inauguration of a future President, be at half mast," he continued. "Nobody wants to see this, and no American can be happy about it.
So, as usual, wrong about basically everything- It will be the second time: it was already flown at half mast during Nixon’s 1973 inauguration due to Harry Truman’s death in Dec., 1972
And Nixion didn’t have a public tantrum about it because Nixon had more class and was a better person than Trump.
And I don’t mean that in a good way.
Nixon also literally created the EPA.
I can’t imagine Trump creating anything that has any positive impact at all.
Oh, the irony, it won’t be long before the flags are half mast for this very idiot.
He’s old, he’s senile, he’s obese and unhealthy, and he’s also in a very stressful position.
Y’all heard it from him first: no half-staff when he dies
Pretty sure we’re all just going to break out into “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” like in Munchkinland when he dies.
I was thinking more like the Ewoks when the second death star blew up 🤷
Yub-yub, bitches!
How have I never heard that!?
Ah la loo! Ah hahaha!
Yub nub, eee chop yub nub
Ah toe mee toe pee chee keene
G’noop dock fling oh ahit was removed in the re releases and replaced with a bigger celebration scene and music, which honestly sucks compared to the original banger.
I mean in the UK when Thatcher died that song hit the top of the music charts.
There isn’t a staff tall enough for the flag I want to fly for when that fuck croaks.
Fuck you asshole (Trump). Make you a deal… if you just go ahead and fuck off and die then we’ll raise the flags and celebrate.
It’s like a child throwing a tantrum because it’s his birthday and not everything is about him for the day.
He’s justa blob of pure unadulterated cuntishness really.
And all those flags should stay up when he himself drops dead. Hopefully soon!
I agree with the sentiment, but the flag should always be at half mass when a president dies. I don’t care if we elect a literal turkey to the presidency. When that turkey dies, we lower the flags to half mast. It’s a shame that Donald Trump doesn’t see and understand that. Honoring the dead is important.
Why honour the dishonourable?
Just because Donald Trump doesn’t understand how to properly honor the dead doesn’t mean that we don’t honor him. That’s part of us living in an honorable society.
In my eyes he’s lost that privilege. When he dies I’ll celebrate
I’ll begin while I lower the flag to half mast.
What whiny little baby.
Almost makes me wish I flew a flag just so I could fly it upside down and half mast.
Heyoo with that quarter mast dick he should be honored to get twice the mast action as is appropriate.