really enjoying the game despite having to do a bunch of shit to get it running properly since the PC port is dogshit

but as im playing it, a few questions keep coming up in my head.

firstly, i dont really know what type of ruler Emily was, there are little pieces of lore that kind of hint that she was a benevolent ruler who spared people who wronged her but prior to finding any of this out all i hear is her constantly talking about how she should have tortured and killed anyone who questioned her or detracted. granted this is in response to a coup, its giving “i was nice why didnt she give me any pussy” vibes

secondly, she keeps talking about elites and aristocrats with contempt, which is good, but also that’s literally you emily. so it kinda takes me out of the game because she’ll make a comment about the delusions of the rich and ruling class and its impossible not to think “what about you tho”

i guess in general i just hate media where you’re forced to side with royalty. its always some bullshit like this. even when the royalty isnt the main character the story will be about some lowly poor who was noticed by a royal and got swept away into that lifestyle and now they get to be rich. it makes me feel like im consuming propaganda thats meant to pacify me thru escapism

  • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
    3 months ago

    it’s tangential but while we’re talking about dishonored. i feel like after the first game every game for a while had to have like a weird dreamy sequence with floating terrain and shit. that felt really influential. was dishonored the first game of this era to do that in that style or can anyone think of very similar examples that predate it?