Will we know why had universe began, why there is something instead of nothing.

  • reddwarf@feddit.nl
    3 months ago

    I do not think we will. You can philosophize about it though but a scientific answer is unlikely.
    The reason I think this is that I subscribe to the theory that the universe is the result of a black hole in another parallel universe. Black hole forms, eats matter and spews it back into a newly formed parallel universe, hence all the matter being present without us being able to explain how it came about. We call it the Big Bang. Likewise, we create new parallel universes with our black holes, the cycle continues. Always found it a neat explanation for it al.
    But will we know ‘why’ our universe was created? No, we would need to look beyond the veil and that means going through a black hole and I do not see that happening anytime soon.
    Problem with this theory is of course that matter keeps being flung around, what it the point of origin and will that deplete or be recycled?

    Fascinating stuff and this theory I talk about is most probably wrong as I also believe we are not capable of handling this query.

    • FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I have the same theory about white holes being big bangs but black holes are constantly taking in matter. Do small black holes produce the same level of parallel universe? Do super massive black holes produce bigger universes? Does it matter since the universe they spawn would also grow infinitely? Since the universe will experience heat death, does that mean each subsequent universe will have less and less matter until there’s a final black hole that forms?

      I read an article about how there’s theoretically black holes older than the universe, which spawns even more fun questions.